Thursday, July 05, 2007

Simplify Your Life

I just read a book called Simplify Your Life~100 ways to slow down and enjoy the things that really matter. The author is Elaine St. James.

I loved the book, so I made a list of my favorite ideas from the book.
  • Use "speed cleaning" to clean your house. Read Speed Cleaning by Jeff Campbell and the Clean Team.
  • Plant a garden. You already know I want to do this. I have a great set of garden beds out in the yard, but no plants. Just weeds.
  • Build a simple wardrobe. Find a style that is flattering to your body and personality and then stick with that style.
  • Drop call waiting. It is annoying and people can just leave a message on voice mail instead of beeping in while you are talking to someone else.
  • Take a vacation at home. Take time to get to know your city and the surrounding areas.
  • Get out of debt.
  • Turn your hobby into job.
  • Simplify your eating habits. Keep meals simple- fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats prepared using simple techniques such as grilling or broiling. Fast and healthy.
  • Always split a restaurant meal.
  • Have a fruit or juice fast one day a week.
  • Make water your drink of choice.
  • Take a walk.
  • Get up an hour earlier.
  • Be in bed by 9 one night a week.
  • Slow down to the posted speed limit.
  • Keep a journal.
  • Do one thing at a time. This one will be hard for me.
  • Take time to watch the sunset. I also want to take time to watch a sunrise. I have never watched the sun rise.

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Cheerful said...

One of the most amazing things I ever did was spend the night on the beach and watch the sun rise. It was breathtaking!

Annie said...

Love the list too, I don't imagine I will ever be able to do one thing at a time though... I'm just not made that way :o).

ann said...

First of all, I'm amazed that you have time to read a book! The list is great - as I've "matured" my list of what's really important in this life has certainly changed! I guess that's one of the reasons God made us tire more easily as we get older - it gives us time to enjoy the things we didn't take the time to enjoy when we were younger :o)! Thanks for sharing such great ideas!

Jenny said...

That list is great! I have done some of these and agree that they are things worth doing. We have a garden, and sometimes I sigh before going to pick veggies, but love them on my table! We've simplified our eating habits on most days and feel so much better! I agree with splitting rest. meals, fasting one day a week, and making water my drink of choice. I've adjusted my bedtimes, and have been able to catch a sunrise. This list really encouraged me that just maybe I'm on the right track! Thanks for reading my rambling!