Friday, June 15, 2007

An ER Visit!

I have to make this short, because I have a lot going on around me. Baby Girl has had fever since Tuesday, in the 102 range. Yesterday she was screaming and crying of stomach pain and her fever had gotten to 102.6. Her pediatrician wasn't in so I took her to the ER (her pediatrician was at the hospital doing her rounds).

Okay, I was going to make this short, wasn't I?

Baby Girl has strep throat and a urinary tract infection. This morning I have 2 more with fever, headaches, and stomach pain. So we have an appt. at noon with the pediatrician.

So much for that trip to Oklahoma I was planning next week. Oh well, maybe everyone won't get it and we'll still be able to make the trip. I was planning to go to Oklahoma Monday and stay through Saturday at my parents' house with dd12, Baby Girl, and Baby. The 4 older boys are going to the other grandparent's' house.

Here's a cute picture I took last week.

Have a great weekend!

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Annie said...

Cute pic (btw, you just drag and drop the pic where you want it in your post)...
Poor N! I hope she is better and that the others don't get it!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Baby Girl is feeling better soon (and that no one else gets it!).


Natalie said...

I like this template design MUCH better than the other one. :)

Julie said...

Isn't this new look SO CUTE? Thanks, Annie! I love it!