Okay, I was going to make this short, wasn't I?
Baby Girl has strep throat and a urinary tract infection. This morning I have 2 more with fever, headaches, and stomach pain. So we have an appt. at noon with the pediatrician.
So much for that trip to Oklahoma I was planning next week. Oh well, maybe everyone won't get it and we'll still be able to make the trip. I was planning to go to Oklahoma Monday and stay through Saturday at my parents' house with dd12, Baby Girl, and Baby. The 4 older boys are going to the other grandparent's' house.
Here's a cute picture I took last week.
Have a great weekend!
Cute pic (btw, you just drag and drop the pic where you want it in your post)...
Poor N! I hope she is better and that the others don't get it!!!
I hope Baby Girl is feeling better soon (and that no one else gets it!).
I like this template design MUCH better than the other one. :)
Isn't this new look SO CUTE? Thanks, Annie! I love it!
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