Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kitchen Day

Tuesdays are Kitchen Days, which means that on Tuesdays I focus on my kitchen (cleaning, decorating, cooking, etc.). Here is my schedule and list for today:

Kitchen Day

Home Management Work
-Sweep and mop kitchen floor
-Bleach sinks
-All dishes cleaned and put away
-Unpack all boxes in kitchen
-Finish laundry from Monday
-Polish table
-Declutter for 15 minutes
-Dust (ds#1 can do this)
-Clean out fridge
-Debone chicken
-Make chicken stock (dd #1 can do this)
-Get chicken and rice soup recipe from Darcy
-Make and freeze
-Put away canned goods (ds #1 can do this)
-Organize pantry (ds #1 can do this)
-Light a candle

Morning Routine
Help Corey- pack something for him to eat, kiss him goodbye (this didn't get done today because I slept in till 8 and he left at 6)
Brush teeth
Get dressed, hair and face, etc.
Make bed
Start a load of laundry

Wake kids
Baths, Chorepacks
Mommy email and blog

Breakfast and cleanup
Read Proverbs to children at breakfast table (this didn't get done because they ate while I was still in bed! oops)
Bible Time -Character Building for Families introduction
-Choose a song to learn together

Phonics with nonreaders (Explode the Code 15 min. each)

HM Work for Mom (switch laundry)
-ds #4 PreK workbook
-ds #2 and #3 K workbook and Math
-ds #1- LLATL
-dd #1- Home Ec and Saxon math 1 lesson
-Play outside or in bedroom when finished
Finish HM work

Lunch; Kitchen Chores; Recess
*Laundry Switch, fold, put away

Quiet Hour

Read aloud (Secret Garden chapter 3)

Afternoon Chore Time; School Work that didn't get done; Free Time
Laundry Switch, fold, put away (4 loads by 4)
Put on some relaxing music & Light a candle (1 minute)
Set little ones at the table or in play pen with an activity so they don't undo the work (5 minutes)
Children: Put Away Schoolwork (5 minutes) and Start Daily Afternoon Chore Chart (15-30 minutes)
10 minute Tidy: clear level surfaces.
dd#1-hall bathroom; ds#1-boys bedroom; ds#3-living room; ds#2-kitchen; ds#4-help big sister
Freshen up; fix hair; do one thing to clean your bathroom (10 minutes).

Supper (fajitas at friend's house)

Bedtime Routines
Start dishwasher
Check calendar
Make To Do list
Lay out clothes for tomorrow
Brush teeth
Take contacts out
Bedtime! (10:00)

To do:
Think about and plan Quiet Time tape for Gabriel
Email Micala
Email Darcy re: KONOS and soup recipe
Call Darlene at church nursery
Order house plans
Order gate attachment

**I am going out on a limb here, assuming someone cares what my day looks like! This blog is for my personal journaling, for keeping friends up-to-date on my life, and for making my lists, so forgive me if it's boring sometimes. But this may help all of those friends who ask me, "How do you do it?" :) **

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