Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Beauty in the Common Things: baby talk ("Daddly", "kittly") and 4 yr old talk ("The angels came and dug up Brownie with a shubble and took him to heaven")
Listen In: Veggie Tales theme song
Supper Plans: Roast Sticky Chicken, rolls, big salad with lots of goodies in it
Today I Plan To: clean out van, call credit union about pin number for debit card, get my stuff done then lie on the couch for remainder of day
View From the Kitchen Window: gray sky

I am getting very little sleep at night. It's strange because I am super tired, exhausted really, then when I get in bed to go to sleep, I lie awake for hours. It's very inconvenient. Last night I tried sleeping in the recliner and then on the couch and then finally got back in bed. I don't remember this from previous pregnancies, but my husband would probably tell me it's normal for me at this point. I don't ever remember being this tired, but he tells me this is normal for me at this point in my pregnancy. Maybe so. I am going to research pregnancy insomnia and see if there is something I can do to help it. I don't like being this tired and not being able to sleep.

You know how at the end of pregnancy, the whole thing just consumes your thoughts? Maybe this is just me. I keep thinking of different scenarios and how we would handle this or that and what if it's a boy or what if it's a girl and do I have everything I need and how in the world am I going to get the kids from school if I am in labor, etc.
Oh, did I tell you that we have narrowed our name search down to 2 girl names and 2 boy names? Yes, we have finally selected a few names for this child. We are going to take out list with us and decide once we see Baby.

Baby Girl just went potty on her little potty for the first time. I know this excites all of you as much as it does me, right? ha ha
She loves her little potty and she always wants to take off her clothes and sit on it. This is the first time she has actually used it for the purpose it was intended for. Yeah, Baby Girl!

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1 comment:

Annie said...

I can't believe how close it is getting!
Have a great Wednesday~
