Saturday, March 31, 2007

ABC's of Your Life~ A Tag and A Meme!

Thanks Annie for the tag!

1. A is for age: 30

2. B is for beer of choice: none

3. C is for career right now: SAHM

4. D is for your dog's name: Smokey, a full-blood beagle

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: hair dryer

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: American Idol

7. G is for favorite game: I am not a game person AT ALL. I have to force myself to play games with my kids. Monopoly with my husband is fun, though.

8. H is for Hometown: Broken Bow

9. I is for instruments you play: used to play piano, now so much now

10. J is for favorite juice: not sure. I really like cranapple juice and orange- pineapple juice

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: the mean girls in my daughter’s class at school who are making her life miserable

12. L is for last place you ate: home sweet home

13. M is for marriage: June 5

14. N is for your full name: not telling!

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: 7

16. P is for people you were with today: my hubby and kids

17. Q is for quote: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

18. R is for Biggest Regret: too many to count, but lessons learned from all of them!

19. S is for status: Happily married.

20. T is for time you woke up today: 7

21. U is for underwear you have on now: my favorite old comfy ones that my husband hates. Hey, I am 36 weeks pg, I can wear the old comfy ones if I want to!

22. V is for vegetable you love: artichoke

23. W is for worst habit: spending money eating out when we need the money for more important things

24. X is for x-rays you've had: hmmm…I’ve had several x-rays. The last ones were on my back last Spring.

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: I ate a delicious veggie burger. I am craving them right now for some reason.

26. Z is for the zodiac sign: Sagittarius

I am tagging Cheerful!

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