Sunday, March 11, 2007

Isabelle's Story

You really need to go over to Annie's blog and read Isabelle's story.

Isabelle's life and the story of her accident is a story of hope, a story of God's grace and healing, and also a story of the tragedy of drowning. Hopefully, you will read it and become more aware.

This is one of those things that we think will never happen to us. Bailey, Annie's 13 yr old son, who was 10 when Isabelle nearly drowned, said to me the day after it happened, "This is something you see on the news. It isn't something that happens to us." I remember feeling that way as well. I couldn't believe this had actually happened to Izzy and her family.
But it does happen all the time. Summer is getting closer and we will start hearing more and more about children drowning.

Please read Isabelle's story and learn from it.

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