Today was a great day! We had a busy, busy day full of fun and not-so-fun events. My oldest 7-year old lost his first tooth!! (It's really hard to get this little guy to give me a real smile for pictures!) Last night we noticed that one tooth was loose. Then this morning it was REALLY loose. Then, when he was showing his older sister how loose it was, it fell right out! Surprise! He was shocked. He was very glad it didn't hurt. Now the tooth next to it is about the fall out. Probably by tomorrow he will have no front bottom teeth. I think kids are so cute when they are missing those front teeth.
Our driveway was supposed to be started Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. So, today the guy told me he would be there at noon. Well, we went out there tonight to see what progress had been made. progress had been made. Actually nothing had been done at all. They guys hadn't even been there. Dh was not happy about that. It's all straightened out now and we were told the driveway would be finished by Friday.
Dd13 cooked dinner and dessert for us. She cooked Turkey Tetrazinni and then some kind of cinnamon sugar muffins for dessert. It was all so good! She is a sweetheart and loves to cook special meals for us.
My mom called me tonight to tell me that Jazz, her dog, probably won't make it through the night. When I was 15, a sophomore in high school, my friend Kourtney and I each brought home a puppy. Without asking our parents. We (my mom and I) named the puppy Jasmine Michelle (Jazz or Jazzy is what we have always called her). She turned out to be the BEST dog! She is adorable, a mix of Sheltie and Lhasa Apso. Her personality is so sweet and friendly. Her birthday was on Valentine's Day and she turned 15 years old this year. We all just love this little dog.
What I love most about Jazz is that she was a "happy spot" for me during the hardest years of my life. When I was 16 and pregnant with my firstborn child, I was extremely depressed. I have struggled with depression on and off in my life but that was the hardest time for me. I remember that I used to sit on the back porch with Jazz and I would just sob and sob. Jazz would sit there with me the whole time, just cuddling with me. I remember in January when everything was gray and cold, I just longed for the new green leaves to show themselves. I was so sick of the sad, gray days. And Jazz was my only Happy Spot. She was my mom's Happy Spot, too. We love her.
Mom said she can't swallow water or food today, and she can't move around very well, so she thinks Jazz won't make it until tomorrow morning. I am so sad. I will miss our precious little Jazzy. I am very thankful God gave her to us for such a long time. What a gift!
Beauty in the Common Things: loving families
Listen In: clicking of the keys as I type
View From the Kitchen Window: dark
I can't believe Jazzy is so ill. I guess I knew she was very old, but thought she was doing okay.
She has been such a good companion.
I'm impressed with Alex. Emelia told me something funny about the yukon experience.
love ya
Oh, I'm so sad. This has been a rough year for your "childhood" animals. That must be hard.
How nice of your daughter to cook dinner and dessert for the family!
I'm sorry about the news of your dog. Will be keeping Jazzy and your family in my prayers!
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