Saturday, October 13, 2007

Update on Sickie

A quick update:
A few of you know that we spent 12 hours in the ER last night. I wanted to give you a quick update. Ds7#1 is fine now. Thank you for your prayers. He has a middle ear infection and an external ear infection. They gave him IV antibiotics and did lots of tests. The dr. was concerned that he may have an infection in the bones surrounding his left ear, thus explaining the swelling behind his ear. But, thankfully that is not what it was! We got to Dallas Children's Hospital at 3:45 p.m. yesterday and got home this morning at 3:00. Our other children were at different friends' houses. We have been blessed with great Christian brothers and sisters here and they all rallied together and took care of the troops.

All of our children are back home safe and sound and the sickie is doing much better after those IV antibiotics! Thank God for medicine and children's hospitals when we need them!

**I accidentally wrote that ds7#2 was the one who was sick. That was a mistake. It is ds7#1 who was sick! And, because I am getting tired of writing ds7#1 and ds7#2, from now on I am going to write B and E. I hope that makes it less confusing for all of us! B was the sickie.**

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Natalie said...

I'm so glad he's feeling better! I have been praying for all of you.
Love you.

Annie said...

I didn't know you went to the e.r. So sorry.
Glad he's better.

Julie said...

I thought of you a lot while I was there. It was sad to think about Izzy being there a few years ago. So glad she's not there now!

Annie said...

I was taken right back to that er when you mentioned it. That was THE worst week of my life. hands down. I have never cried so much or felt so much despair EVER. It was before I truly rested in God's protection, and before I learned to trust Him. We were in that ER for about 13 hours. IT was miserable, especially being handed a DNR upon arrival. I remember sitting in the little area in the back folded in half for hours. I'm glad you weren't there long, I really didn't like that hospital.

Michelle said...

oh my! sorry you had to spend 12 hrs in the ER! Glad it wasn't anything more serious and hope he is feeling much better!

Natalie said...

How's B. feeling today? I've been thinking about you guys.

Julie said...

He feels fine today. The only time he complains is when his ear gets hit or bumped. That happens a lot when you have 4 rowdy boys who like to wrestle and play tackle football.
Other than that he is doing great. Our weekend kind of caught up with us and today we crashed and burned. After church we had a fellowship dinner and then we came home and cleaned up and then ate dinner and put the kids to bed early. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. ; )