Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Pity Party

I am having a pity party this morning. I feel sorry for myself today. Baby Girl and ds4 woke up with pink eye, again. We had plans today to see some friends who moved to Georgia who we haven't seen since last July. Now we can't go, unless of couse, Leslie wants her twin 3 year old boys to get pink eye and take it back to Georgia to spread around. I'm thinking she won't want that.

I have had sick children since early November. This is not an exageration. I have literally had at least one sick child in my home since early November. The only exception was the week of Christmas.

Also, I have had no extra money since early November. I know a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck all the time and I can now empathize with them.

I am tired. I am weepy. I am irritable. I bit dh's head off this morning because he wasn't feeling as sorry for me as I was feeling for myself. How dare him not feel sorry for me? Another reason for my pity party is that I haven't been to church since my birthday, in December, because every Sunday there is someone sick who needs me to stay home with them. Dh helps in the children's ministry at church and they really need him there, so I won't ask him to stay home so I can go. Also, I have no church clothes right now. I have shopped for maternity dressy clothes, but have found nothing. Thus, another reason to feel sorry for poor little (big, actually) me.

Of course, I know that I shouldn't feel sorry for myself and pity parties are nonproductive. I know that my kids may be sick, but the illnesses they have are normal childhood illnesses, nothing life-threatening or chronic. I know that we will have extra money again soon (tax refund and dh's bonus will pay off a lot of debt and will free up some money). I know that I should not bite dh's head off at all, ever. I know that if I really wanted to go to church, I could go to a church here on Sunday night or Wednesday night and ask dh to stay home with the children. It is a comfort zone thing and I need to get over it.

I know all of these things. But I still feel sorry for myself today.
Aren't y'all glad you came over to my blog today so you can feel sorry for me, too?


Natalie said...

Hugs, Julie. I hope the pinkeye goes away soon!

Julie said...

Thanks! My pity party didn't last very long yesterday. After "venting" I felt much better and we had a great day!

: )