Thursday, February 15, 2007


I walked out of the living room to go make my bed, and when I walked back through the house, I found these 2 little rascals in my kitchen! Ds4 was fascinated by the balloons and Baby Girl was just trying to find some candy!

I have another list today. It is a short, easy one. My lists are getting shorter and easier as time goes by. I am tired today and I want to sleep.

Things To Do Today:
1. Catch up on laundry (fold and put away all clean laundry, wash wet sheets and blankets from bedwetters last night)

2. Get sheets back on beds

3. Take a nap with ds4 and Baby Girl

4. Clean up my bedroom for 15 minutes

5. Clean up my bathroom for 15 minutes

6. Chick fil A for lunch

7. Make a plan for my days Baby Girl and ds4 are driving me crazy and they need more structure
**I made the plan**
Here it is:
8:00 Breakfast and kitchen cleanup (we get back from taking kids to school right at 8)
8:30 Make bed, switch laundry, kids play inside while I fold and put away one load of laundry, put dinner in crockpot (if I'm using the crockpot that day)
9:00 Read 1 story to kids, then play with them inside or talk a walk around the block or run errands
10:00 Give kids their baths, then computer time for Mommy while they watch a cartoon
11:00 Kids watch Sesame Street while Mommy listens to Revive Our Hearts
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Naptime
2:00 Snack, then go get kids from school

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